This morning was VERY productive for me (and for once, I'm not being sarcastic!). I got through all my e-mails this morning and focused in on the remaining 80+ pages left I had of that terrible transcript. I finished around 10:45 finally!!! The depo summary was about 10 pages long (better than the 400+ the actual transcript was) but still. I spent 10 hours and 15 minutes on that thing in the past 3 days!!!! But it's over, it's over, it's over, and my attorney was grateful even though he then proceeded to tell me to just stick the summary in with the transcripts because they had moved the depo that was supposed to be Monday that he needed it for until a future date. At least I didn't stay too late last night or take it home with me!
I also got all of my filing done. Our file clerk went on maternity leave the last week in September and apparently now only comes in one day a week to do docketing stuff and works from home. So for the past five months, we are each responsible for our individual filing. With me being out last week on Thursday and Friday (I usually try to file once a week on Fridays because most of my intensive files are in the office here with me and I just file that stuff away as it comes in), I didn't get it done last week or this, so I was grateful to get that stack of papers out of my alpha sorter and in the actual files. So that is done now too!
Then I went to a wonderful lunch with Jes - yum sushi! - and now I'm back at my desk trying to figure out what to do with myself since I don't have that massive transcript or pile of filing on my desk!!!! Yippee! We have a meeting at 1:30 today for our department that I have a feeling is going to be bad news, but at least I know that I've been doing my work, keeping good hours, etc. so I should be just sitting there listening most of the time. I have a feeling though that a few others will be up against some frustration on the part of our boss. Guess we'll have to see!
Hope you all have a wonderful afternoon & great weekend if I don't blog before! :)