
I'm Officially Old!

Today in the mail, I got an invitation for my 5 year college reunion. I am officially old. Not as old as I will be next year when I will receive an invitation to my 10 YEAR HIGH SCHOOL REUNION. It seemed so far away only a few days ago! Oh well, the good news is that I have a big weekend with the recruits during my homecoming weekend this year so I can pretend like it's not happening and that I haven't really been out of college 5 years already (in reality it has only been 4 since after I got my bachelors, I did another year of classes to get my teaching certification). Yes, that makes me feel oh so much better! ;)


Blogger Kim said...

yeah. You old?
How about the fact that my 20 year HS reunion is in 2 weeks? Feel better?

September 07, 2006 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fun! I can't wait until my 10 year reunion! I don't know if they do 5 years around here.

September 07, 2006 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, WHATEVER. Five years? MEL.

Next weekend I have my TEN YEAR reunion. Blah.

September 28, 2006 5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. Kim has us all topped. And: They do 20 year reunions? They don't just skip straight to 25?
I had no idea.

September 28, 2006 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's scary how quickly time goes . . .

September 29, 2006 7:42 PM  

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