Two More Weeks!
Two weeks from today, we will have already spent our first weekend in our new house. I can't wait! We went by the house yesterday to check things out. Austin has the final walkthrough with the builder tomorrow, but since I'm already taking off a lot for doctor appointments and stuff, he and his dad are going to go so I don't have to take off more work. So I wanted to take a final peek to see if there was anything I noticed that needed to be fixed before we close on the house next week. It looks great! They fixed all the little things we had seen on previous visits, painted the door and put up the shtters on the windows, and everything looked really great! I can't wait to get our fridge and furniture in there and blinds and all of that. It's really going to be great!
This weekend was good - we did lots of packing and organizing and we're making some awesome progress. I'm really proud of us! Luckily none of the drawers in the furniture have to be packed up because our moving company is going to shrink wrap everything for us so we can just leave the stuff in there. That makes things so much easier! Just got rid of some miscellaneous stuff and packed up bookshelves and the entertainment center and all of that sort of stuff. This week the goal is to clean up and pack up our bathroom linen closet (hopefully getting rid of junk I won't ever use!) and the rest of the kitchen (except for a few things to cook with).
On Saturday, we picked up the changing table for Cooper and our kitchen table/chairs. Here is a picture of the changing table we got from Ikea. Love that store!

We also went out to dinner with Austin's cousin and his wife and Austin's brother on Saturday night and to see "The Matador." It was pretty good although I've realized that I'm getting more and more uncomfortable sitting in one place for long periods of time unless I can lay down and relax in bed or on my sofa or a really comfy chair and be wearing pajama pants or something else loose-fitting around my tummy! Getting big but luckily not too much longer! Less than 8 weeks and that's if we make it all the way to the EDD! So we shall see! Hope you all had a good weekend - things are going to start getting a little busier around work in the next few weeks with our intern recruiting, but I promise not to go MIA and still post. I am sure I can still sneak in a post a day or so! No doctor appointments this week until Friday when I have my regular doctor appointment. And my parents are coming in town Thursday night so they will go with me to the doctor on Friday. Fun stuff! :)