A Moment Like This
I want to tell you about how great my evening was last night! First of all, I got to leave work at 4:45 which is always nice and helps me actually get to sit down and breathe at home for a second before having to leave again. When I got home, Austin had surprised me with an AMAZING arrangement of cymbidum (sp?) orchids in this really cool vase and other greenery. He is the BEST at picking out unique flowers and surprising me with them. He said since we were having a "date night" that it should be complete with flowers - plus our 3 year anniversary (of dating) would be tomorrow so it's kind of like an early "celebration." And since he is such a sweetheart and gets them pretty often, he has made friends with a local florist that for whatever reason gives him awesome deals. The arrangement he got me was worth over $100 and he paid less than a third of that price! Here's a picture of it sitting on our mantle:

So that obviously started the evening off great!!! We went to Nokia Live, probably my favorite venue to see concerts in Dallas, and saw Kelly Clarkson. I have to say that hearing her makes all the other American Idol contestants and many female professional singers sound like crap in comparison. She has an AMAZING voice and sounds nearly as good as her CD which is hard for many artists because they digitally remaster that stuff so much. She sang all her popular songs from the new album and some of the old ones too and the cool part is that she put soul to some of the old ones and changed up A Moment Like This to be a more rock-type song and it was cool. Plus several covers from Janis Joplin, B.B. King, Garth Brooks, Annie Lennox - it was good stuff. Of course, I was probably one of the oldest people there aside from the moms there with their kids! But I still had a great time, and Austin was actually impressed as well even though he was just going to be a good husband but ended up really liking her.
Girl From Florida requested I let you all know what she was wearing. She started off wearing black pants with a silver sparkly belt and then one of those short tops that shows your stomach and ties up at the top with a halter and in the back with a tie too. Then about 5 songs in, she ran off stage for a minute and came back wearing the same top but wearing one of those long peasant skirts which are popular now that was multicolored and she wore that the rest of the show. She was barefoot and jumping around - it was fun! She definitely has lost A TON of weight from when she was originally on American Idol and she looked really good. The only annoying thing was that both the skirt and pants she wore really low which would be fine except she kept pulling the backs up higher than the fronts that were pushed down and it made her butt look bigger and her front look weird because it was so low and uneven. It's also hard for me to get used to her with blonde hair but she looked cute. It was a great show and the best part was that we were home by like 10:30. :)
The other random thing that happened last night is that as we were walking out, we were right behind this girl that looked familiar to me. I don't know if any of the rest of you are sucked into reality tv like we tend to be, but in the fall there was a show on NBC that was a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model competition. The girl that got second place was from Mesquite and the girl that won was from Vegas. Anyways, Shannon, the girl from Mesquite that got second but who Austin and I thought should have won, was who was in front of us. I almost said something to her like "hey you should have won" but then I didn't want to bug her or seem cheesy but it was definitely her. So that was randomly entertaining because we watched that show and then she happened to be right by us as we were leaving!
So that was my fun and exciting evening. Luckily I'm not even tired today which is the best part because I got to sleep at nearly the same time as I usually do. Going to Pei Wei for lunch today - yum - and I have my meeting with the Court Reporting school tonight to find out more info. Hope you all have a great day and talk to you soon! :)
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