
In a Good Place....

Right now, I'm in a good place. I have a new job to look forward to. And the best part is that it's not so miserable here right now as I thought they would make it! Everyone has been really nice and helpful, I'm getting to train the new person on my docket which I like to do, and it's kind of this wind-down of getting things organized and explained and then getting ready to head out the door.

Today, I gave the secretary my tree that had been behind my desk since before I moved to this desk.....it is so ghetto around here that whenever someone leaves, those that are left scavenge for the good stuff, put their old crappy stuff in that place, and the new person gets the bad stuff. Oh well! That's how it is around here I guess. So I feel like I've been making out a "will" of sorts of who gets what when I'm gone. Still have another week & a day, and I already have given out my tree, my big stapler, my can opener (which was passed to me by Jes when she left), and my streamers for birthday decorating purposes. It's entertaining to me because I remember doing the same thing, checking out D's & Jes' stuff before they left and even Eugene's....how sad!

Needless to say, I will miss a few good times from this place, but I am SO excited about the promise of a new adventure that I just can't wait. At least I know I'm going to survive until then.....

Other than that, not much else new to report. We were supposed to have a happy hour tonight but no one can go anyways so that's fine with me because I didn't really want to have to go. I got a new coat, and it arrived last night. Oh and the guy at the cell phone store told me to just get my old phone unlocked since I liked it so much so instead of having to pay like $130 bucks for ANOTHER new phone that functioned well like the one I had paid $99 for last summer and loved, I got on the Internet, went to www.unlock123.com and paid $4.95 and now get to use my old phone - yippee! It's so much smaller & lighter and better service and the alarm even works! Oh and I actually fell back asleep this morning for an extra hour! So it's been a great week for me and should be a fun weekend. Talk to you soon! :)


Blogger chirky said...

the first part of your email SO made me laugh. ESPECIALLY the part about the can opener! how could i have forgotten?

March 03, 2005 1:51 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

All right you two... I haven't heard the story about the can opener... share?

March 03, 2005 3:49 PM  

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