The Need for More Three Day Weekends
After having a wonderful and relaxing weekend, I have decided that we need to petition to enforce a four day work week on a regular basis. Having that extra day made all the difference in the world to actually getting some time to relax over the weekend besides just having to run errands and do chores. We had a great weekend, and I'm sad that it's over but at least we only have to work four days this week and then it's the weekend again.
I wanted to start out by congratulating Amanda and Blake! :) That is so exciting!
Now back to our weekend activities.....Saturday we went to see War of the Worlds. I must say that this is a very well done movie in the fact that it is done so well that it makes you extremely uncomfortable sitting in the movie theater. All three of us that went said afterwards that we nearly walked out not because it was bad but just so disturbing and made our skin want to crawl. It is definitely one of those movies that I'm glad that I saw once, but probably won't ever see again. And Tom Cruise wasn't as annoying as I thought he might be! :)
Sunday was great because we got to relax by the pool at Austin's parents' house. The water was warm like bath water, and it was so nice and relaxing. I miss having a pool (we have one in the complex, but I don't really go often because it's always crowded and it's just not the same as having one of your own to jump into whenever you feel like it). We also did a little tiny bit of shopping on Sunday which is always fun. Sunday night, we drove to Addison to watch the Kaboomtown Fireworks. They were great! We were able to come in the back way from our place, found a good parking lot nearby to park in, and sat in the bed of Austin's new truck to watch. They were 30 minutes long and spectacular! Nothing like some good fireworks for the 4th!
Yesterday was back to the real world again, grocery shopping and cleaning/laundry. But we still had a good time, Austin made a great dinner, and we watched all the holiday specials on TV last night! I have to say that I can NOT watch Jessica Simpson while she sings because she is just too spastic and her mouth gets too big, but if I look away, then her voice is not bad! :)
I almost forgot! The air conditioning fiasco! We went out Friday night and had a very romantic evening of putting up heat resistant film on our bedroom windows which helped a bunch. But we have finally complained enough that they are going to put in a second air conditioning unit in our apartment and cut more vents for it. Apparently whoever built the apartments 10+ years ago was cheap and put the smallest air conditioning units and smallest number of vents they could. Since we have a VERY large apartment in terms of square footage, this doesn't really work so well, and this has happened to several other units our size in the complex. They are getting approval as we speak for this second unit which will have a thermostat in our bedroom which will be super great and should cut down on the electric bill and the heat issue. Hopefully they will be able to put it in this week/weekend so that will be great! :)
Other than that, not a whole lot to report. I am counting down the days to our vacation (I tried to put a ticker in but it was too big to fit on the side. So I will post one here and it will stay on the page at least a little while :)
Hope you all had a great weekend and keep on blogging!

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