
I Don't Want to Play Any More Reindeer Games!

So I've told you all before how I've had a growing disdain for my fellow co-workers lately except for Sara of course but I knew her long before I knew any of these people. Anyways, I find it increasingly more difficult to be around them, not because I think they are bad people. It's just that they are very cliquey and unwelcoming and have this knack for trying to make everyone else feel stupid. They are like the stupid jocks in high school that were so insecure in themselves that they made fun of everyone else to feel better and even played stupid mean jokes on each other and thought it was fun. I digress yet again!

Anyways, so today, I called one of my co-workers to ask her what the meaning was of an e-mail that our boss sent out and at the end she told me to come down to her office because the one guy in our section had a new game. And to bring Sara. So I begrudgingly went down there with Sara to see what was going on even though our lunch with them earlier today had made me pretty annoyed to be around them with them constantly telling inside jokes and trying to make either Sara or I look stupid. I should have known better. I even knew somewhat was going on when I walked in but still agreed to play one time.

They have this game that has a base and then four "handles" if you will. Each person takes one handle and the handle has a red button on the top. You grip the handle and watch a stupid light in the middle of the base as it blinks red and plays this creepy song. It is all very disturbing. When the light finally turns green, you are supposed to push the button. Now the green light could come at any length of time. Whoever is last to push the button gets shocked. Yes shocked! They told me it was just a little light buzz. I of course somehow got disturbed by the song and red light blinking that I didn't push fast enough and was the one to be shocked. It coursed through my hand and wrist so hard my gut reaction was to throw it and I did - at the co-worker who called me down there. Apparently you also can get shocked if you press the button too early as the secretary learned previous to our coming down there. Or if no one presses it at all, all four handles will shock.

My arm all the way up to my shoulder is still hurting. I am not happy to that. It makes me want to cry not out of pain just out of annoyance. I don't want to play in any more reindeer games! ;)


Blogger Sara said...

I was fortunate enough not to get shocked and smart enough not to agree to play again, so I dont know how much it hurts. I do have a pretty high pain tolerance, so i was a little curious to know what it felt like, but not curious enough to volunteer for a shocking! My brother and his friends had this machine that one of them had built. kind of like those muscle stimulators that you see on infomercials. except it was built by one of my brothers friends. So what do they do? They get really drunk and see who could take the most voltage the longest. Sigh....sometimes its hard to imagine I share so much DNA with that kid.

January 06, 2005 5:12 PM  
Blogger chirky said...

Dude. That's stupid. I'm sorry you still work there.

January 06, 2005 7:06 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

Yes, the good news is that I did hit my co-worker in the hand or arm. She was sitting at the desk below me and as I threw it, it landed smack on her and (hopefully) shocked her as well ;) She actually had the nerve to COMPLAIN that I had hit her with it! Oh and an update: right before we were about to leave, our officemate tried to "trick" us into playing again (she wasn't there originally when we "played"). I said no thanks, informed her that my arm was still feeling weird, and Sara & I left warning her that she probably shouldn't play because who knows what that thing was capable of after multiple shocks (could cause seizures, screw up your heart rhythm, who knows!). Lord give me patience to survive that place! :)

January 06, 2005 8:51 PM  

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